Please find here the list of my publications in scientific journals under peer review:

32.  Martinez, J. A., Junquas, C., Bozkurt, D., Viale, M., Fita, L., Trachte, K., et al. (2024). Recent progress in atmospheric modeling over the Andes–part I: review of atmospheric processes. Frontiers in Earth Science 12, 1427783.

31. Junquas, C., Martinez, J. A., Bozkurt, D., Viale, M., Fita, L., Trachte, K., et al. (2024). Recent progress in atmospheric modeling over the Andes–part II: projected changes and modeling challenges. Frontiers in Earth Science 12, 1427837.

30. Shields, C. A., Payne, A. E., Shearer, E. J., Wehner, M. F., O'Brien, T. A., Rutz, J. J., and Coauthors, 2023: Future atmospheric rivers and impacts on precipitation: Overview of the ARTMIP Tier 2 high-resolution global warming experiment. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2022GL102091.

29. Garreaud, R., and Coauthors, 2022: Running a Scientific Conference During Pandemic Times. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 103, E1650–E1657,

28. Pitte, P., Masiokas, M., Gargantini, H., Ruiz, L., Berthier, E., Ferri Hidalgo, L., Zalazar, L., Dussallaint, I., Viale, M., Zorzut, V., Corvalan, E., Scarpa, J.P., Costas, G., Villalba, R., 2022: Recent mass-balance changes of Agua Negra glacier (30°S) in the Desert Andes of Argentina. Journal of Glaciology, 68(272), 1197-1209. doi:10.1017/jog.2022.22

27. Schauwecker, S., Palma, G., MacDonell, S., Ayala, A., Viale, M., 2022: The Snowline and 0°C Isotherm Altitudes During Precipitation Events in the Dry Subtropical Chilean Andes as Seen by Citizen Science, Surface Stations, and ERA5 Reanalysis Data. Frontiers in Earth Science, Vol. 10, doi:10.3389/feart.2022.875795

26. Valenzuela, R., Garreaud, R., Vergara, I., Campos, D., Viale, M., Rondanelli, R., 2022: An extraordinary dry season precipitation event in the subtropical Andes: Drivers, impacts and predictability. Weather and Climate Extremes, Vol. 37,

25. Garreaud, R., Ralph, M., Wilson, A., Ramos, A. M., Eiras-Barca, J., Steen-Larsen, H. C., Rutz, J., Albano, C., Tilinina, N., Warner, M., Viale, M., Rondanelli, R., McPhee, J., Valenzuela, R., & Gorodetskaya, I. (2022). Running a Scientific Conference During Pandemic Times. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103(7), E1650-E1657. DOI:

24. Roldán, C.S., Caballé, G., Fontana, A., Viale, M., Berli, F., 2021: Maqui (Aristotelia chilensis [Mol.] Stuntz) morphological and phenolic traits associated with forests type and latitudinal gradient in natural populations of Patagonia Argentina. Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Volume 25, 2021,100341, ISSN 2214-7861,

23. Bozkurt, D., Sen, O. L., Ezber, Y., Guan, B., Viale, M., Caglar, F., 2021: Influence of African atmospheric rivers on precipitation and snowmelt in the Near East's highlands. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126, e2020JD033646.

22. Arias, P.A., Garreaud, R., Poveda, G., Espinoza, J.C., Molina-Carpio, J., Masiokas, M., Viale, M., Scaff, L., 2021: Hydroclimate of the Andes Part II: Hydroclimate variability and sub-continental patterns. Frontiers in Earth Science. https://doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.505467

21. Espinoza, J.C., Garreaud, R., Poveda, G., Arias, P.A., Molina-Carpio, J., Masiokas, M., Viale, M., Scaff, L., 2020: Hydroclimate of the Andes Part I: Main climatic features. Frontiers in Earth Science.

20. Rivera, J.A., Naranjo, T.E., Viale, M., 2020: Water Resources Change in Central-Western Argentina Under the Paris Agreement Warming Targets. Frontiers in Climate. https:/doi: 10.3389/fclim.2020.587126

19. Saavedra, F.A., Cortes, G. C., Viale, M., Margulis, S., and Mcphee, J. A., 2020: Atmospheric Rivers contribution to the snow accumulation over the southern Andes (26.5°S-37.5°S). Frontiers in Earth Sciences. doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.00261

18. Penchenat, T., Vimeux, F., Daux, V., Cattani, O., Viale, M., Villalba, R., et al.,2020: Isotopic equilibrium between precipitation and water vapor in Northern Patagonia and its consequences on δ18Ocellulose estimate. JGR-Biogeosciences, 125, e2019JG005418.

17. Espinoza, J.C., Garreaud, R., Poveda, G., Arias, P.A., Molina-Carpio, J., Masiokas, M., Viale, M., Scaff, L., 2020: Hydroclimate of the Andes. Part I: Main climatic features. Front. Earth

16. Viale, M., E. Bianchi, L. Cara, L.E. Ruiz, R. Villalba, P. Pitte, M. Masiokas, J. Rivera and L. Zalazar, 2019: Contrasting Climates at Both Sides of the Andes in Argentina and Chile. Front. Environ. Sci. 7:69. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2019.00069

15. Viale, M., R. Valenzuela, R.D. Garreaud, and F.M. Ralph, 2018: Impacts of Atmospheric Rivers on Precipitation in Southern South America. Journal of Hydrometeorlogy, 19, 1671-1687,

14. Ralph, F.M., M. Dettinger, D. Lavers, I.V. Gorodetskaya, A. Martin, M. Viale, A.B. White, N. Oakley, J. Rutz, J.R. Spackman, H. Wernli, and J. Cordeira, 2017: Atmospheric Rivers Emerge as a Global Science and Applications Focus. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 98, 1969-1973,

13. Ruiz, L., Berthier, E., Viale, M., Pitte, P., and Masiokas, M. H., 2017: Recent geodetic mass balance of Monte Tronador glaciers, northern Patagonian Andes. The Cryosphere, 11, 619-634,

12. Bianchi, E., R. Villalba, M. Viale, F. Coveaux, R. Marticorena, 2016: New precipitation and temperature grids for northern Patagonia: Advances in relation to global climate grids. J Meteorol Res. 30: 38.

11. Cara, L., M. Masiokas, M. Viale, and R. Villalba, 2016: Snow cover analysis in the upper Mendoza river basin using MODIS satellite data (in spanish). Meteorológica. Vol.41 Nº1. Download here

10. Viale, M., and R.D. Garreaud, 2015: Orographic effects of the subtropical and extratropical Andes on upwind precipitating clouds. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120, 4962-4974. doi: 10.1002/2014JD023014.

9. Viale, M., and R. Garreaud, 2014: Summer Precipitation Events over the Western Slope of the Subtropical Andes. Monthly Weather Review, 142, 1074-1092,

8. Viale, M., R.A. Houze Jr., K.L. Rasmussen, 2013: Upstream orographic enhancement of a narrow cold-frontal rainband approaching the Andes. Monthly Weather Review. 141, 1708-1730.

7. Hoke G.D., J.N. Aranibar, M. Viale, D.C. Araneo, and C. Llano, 2012: Seasonal moisture sources and the isotopic composition of precipitation, rivers and carbonates across the Andes at 32.5ºS-35.5ºS. Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Geosystems. Vol. 14, p. 1 -17.

6. Viale, M., and M.N. Nuñez, 2011: Climatology of winter orographic precipitation over the subtropical central Andes and associated synoptic and regional characteristics. Journal of Hydrometeorology. Vol.12, Nº4, 481-507.

5. Araneo, D.C., S.C. Simonelli, F.A. Norte, M. Viale y R.Santos, 2011: Caracterización de los sondeos estivales del norte de Mendoza mediante el análisis de componentes principales y obtención de un índice de convección. Meteorológica. Vol.36, Nº1, 31-48. PDF

4. Viale, M.2010: Characteristics of the winter orographic precipitation over the Subtropical Central Andes (30°-37°S). PhD Theses in Spanish in Atmospheric Sciences at the Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires. PDF

3. Viale, M., and F.A. Norte, 2009: Strong cross-barrier flow under stable conditions producing intense winter orographic precipitation: A case study over the subtropical central Andes. Weather and Forecasting. Vol.24, 1009-1031,

2. Norte F.A., A.G. Ulke, S.C. Simonelli, and M. Viale, 2008: The severe zonda wind event of 11 July 2006 east of the Andes cordillera (Argentine): A case study using the BRAMS model. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physic. Vol. 102, Nº1-2, 1-14.

1. Norte F.A., A.G. Ulke, S.C. Simonelli, and M. Viale, 2007: The zonda event in Argentina. State of Climate in 2006, A.Arguez, Ed. Special Supplement to the Bulletin of American Meteorological Society. Vol.88, Nº6, 94.
© 2019 Maximiliano Viale, Av. Ruiz Leal s/n, Mendoza, Argentina, 5500
twitter: @maxiviale 
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